Couture: glassybaby

Though technically not clothing, glassybaby is one of my favorite lifestyle brands. My mom bought me a glassybaby when we moved into our first home in Bellingham. Since then, I have slowly amassed a collection. Scattered throughout my house, holding utensils on our mirrored bar, lighting up my end tables in the living room, dressing up my dining room table, and adorning my kitchen counter, these little beacons of light have become one of the only things I actually collect (besides shoes, jewelry, and handbags!). I treasure each one—who gave it to me, the inspiration for the namesake, the special place it takes up in our home.

In case you aren’t familiar with the story, glassybaby is a non-profit that was founded by Lee Rhodes in 2001. During three battles with cancer, Rhodes relied on the light of some hand-blown glass votives her husband had brought home from a glassblowing class. With the help of local Seattle glassblowers, Rhodes began producing them herself and began selling them with the intention to “glow for good.” A portion of every glassybaby sold benefits a non-profit or organization, and a decent portion of these funds go to cancer care organizations.

One of my favorite glassybaby hues is called “Hope.” It’s a warm, but true white that has just enough opaqueness that you can’t see the votive inside, but you can see the warmth from its light. Just like the hope and optimism you need to endure dark times—you can’t always see it exactly, but you know it’s there. 10% of all sales of the Hope glassybaby go to the Children’s Hospital Emergency Patient Assistance Fund. Here’s a link to where you can find “Hope” and a whole rainbow of other glassybaby styles:

glassybaby fits in the palm of your hand. The simplistic style makes them a great match for the decor of any home. They are a perfect hostess gift, or a treasure for a new home, teacher, or dear friend. Each one has its own story, and each one does a little good--warming up the life of the recipient and benefiting a local organization. It's a great way to give with purpose.

Here are some photos I snapped while browsing the Bellevue glassybaby on Main before heading into JuJu Beet for a smoothie. And, a few pics from my house.

Love the beautiful new lilac, lavender, and purple hues. They look like spring tulips popping up from the winter ground!

The type-A personality in me loves the neat, color ordered rows. A perfectionist's dream!

A whole set of the beautiful gold-dipped "Grace." One of my favorites!

A glassybaby rainbow.

Glassy Baby on Main Street in Bellevue.

Three glassybaby candles adorn my dining room table (though I have a dream of having about 20 of them scattered all along the table). Featured here from left to right are True White, Dream, and Grace.

The glassybaby trio is a nice contrast to the height of these candlesticks that I found at Green House in Bellingham. The table runner is Kate Spade.