Carrots and Couture: Sips and Succulents

"All good things are wild and free" ~ Henry David Thoreau

If you know me well, you are likely aware that I do not have a green thumb. In fact, my thumbnails are often well-manicured and painted a bright shade of pink or red... and sometimes bedazzled with glitter. A gardener, I am not. But, I do love a great houseplant, and my favorite of all is the hearty succulent. Though she is fierce and often a little prickly, she can bring great beauty and joy to the space around her. She's the perfect accessory to a sofa table, a nightstand, or a kitchen counter, bringing life with her greenness and warmth with her beauty. Though the desert tells the succulent otherwise (or perhaps when I forget to water her!), still she persists. Succulents are the tenacious houseplant—as hearty as they are charming. And all it takes is a quick gander at West Elm, or a flip through Dwell, and you will easily see that succulents are having a bit of a moment.

Recently, I spent a lovely afternoon with a small group of my girlfriends at a Sips and Succulents class at Mercer Island Florist. This adorable local flower shop was opened 55 years ago and remains a mainstay of Mercer Island's quaint downtown. Owner Jennifer Hagstrom works with local farmers to source flowers and plants from the PNW whenever possible, which might explain why the specimens in the shop looked so beautiful—they are quite literally at home there!

When I saw that Mercer Island Florist holds classes, I knew I wanted to participate, but thought it would be fun to host a private class with my friends. Owner Jennifer was quick to respond to my request and so my Sips and Succulents class was set.

On the afternoon of the event, a gaggle of my girlfriends and I were greeted by our instructor, Jenna, who ushered us into the shop and offered up refreshing libations and munchies to enjoy as we learned about succulents. Jenna was cheerful, knowledgeable, and oh-so-welcoming to our little group. She struck that right balance between letting us enjoy ourselves and providing us with instructions. We chose planters, learned about the various succulent varieties as we selected our plants, and potted and accessorized beautiful custom potted plants to complement the individual esthetic of each of our homes. And yes, you CAN accessorize plants! Mercer Island Florist has a whole accessories corner in their workshop—think pebbles, rocks, moss, bamboo, and even feathers!

Thank you to Mercer Island Florist, and especially to our lovely instructor and master florist, Jenna, for a lovely afternoon. And, a special thank you my friends who joined in this fun event. I am grateful to each of you for the gifts you bring to my life. You are charming gardeners who tend to my soul. I blossom and thrive thanks to each of you! Every time I pass one of my potted creations in my house, I will be reminded of this fun afternoon!

My creations below.

The Sips and Succulents crew.

Various shots from inside Mercer Island Florist.

My succulent planter in its new home. It brings just the right touch of warmth to my bar cabinet.